
The process of transforming the bones of dead animals into good, white, beautiful skeletons is one of the specialties of Inside Out Animals. The skeletons are prepared by maceration, degreasing and bleaching.

When this process is finished, the skeletons can be mounted in any desired posture. Usually the skeletons are fixed on a shelf or a background. They will absolutely be of museum quality!

Besides preparing new skeletons, Inside Out Animals regularly restores older (museum) skeletons. After a thorough restoration, the skeletons can be used as the eye catchers again as they used to be.

Inside Out Animals is specialized in preparation of large animal skeletons such as deer, rhinos, giraffes and whales.

Skeletons | Skeleton of a chicken | Faculty of veterinary medicine, Utrecht University
Skeletons | Restoration of the skeleton of a fin whale | for Artis Magistra Amsterdam
Skeletons | drying skeleton of a sperm whale | for Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | disassembly skeleton horse "Eclipse" | exhibition George Stubbs Mauritshuis in collaboration with Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | disassembly skeleton horse "Eclipse" | exhibition George Stubbs Mauritshuis in collaboration with Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | preparing the skull of a sperm whale | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | Disassembly skeleton of a humpback whale | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly skeleton of a humpback whale | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly skeleton of a humpback whale | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly historical skeleton of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly historical skeleton of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly historical skeleton of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly historical skeleton of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly skull of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly skull of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly skull of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Disassembly skull of a fin whale | Natural Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletons | Final Result of a historical skeleton hippopotamus from 1884 | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | Construction of a historical skeleton hippopotamus from 1884 | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | Construction of a historical skeleton hippopotamus from 1884 | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | Construction of a historical skeleton hippopotamus from 1884 | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | demontage bultrug & vinvis (links), vóór demontage | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletten |demontage bultrug | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletten |demontage bultrug | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletten |demontage bultr | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Skeletten | vinvis hangt nog | National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Moving whale skeleton | situation before disassembly | Artis
Moving whale skeleton | disassembling diaphragm| Artis
Moving whale skeleton | disassembling tail vertebrae| Artis
Moving whale skeleton | disassembly of the vertebrae | Artis
Moving whale skeleton | disassembling the head| Artis
Skeletons | delivery porpoise, dolphin and bottlenose whale skeletons  | Live Science - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletons | delivery nordic whale and killer whale skeletons  | Live Science - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | oplevering restauratie en montage, diverse zeezoogdierskeletten  | Live Science zaal - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten |  montage skelet gorilla | zaal Dood - Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten |  montage diverse geweien | Museos België
Skeletten | Restauratie skelet Maleise Beer | Douane Schiphol
Skeletten | schedel wrattenzwijn | Ouwehand ZOO
Skeletten | Schedel ree met bastgewei | Natuurmonumenten
Skeletten | montage pleistoceen edelhert  | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | montage edelhert & holenbeer | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | restauratie mammoet  | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | restauratie mammoet | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | restauratie mammoet & reuzenhert  | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | Plaatsen schedel potvis | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | ophangen Noordse vinvis (11 m.), orka & witsnuitdolfijn | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | ophangen orka | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | Ophangen butskop | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | Ophangen skeletten | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | gewone vinvis 17,5 meter | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | Ontleden potvis Den Helder | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | Ontleden potvis Den Helder | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | jonge steenmarter | Limburghuis GaiaZOO Kerkrade
Skeletten | Gorilla (Zilverrug) II | Apenheul Primate Park
Skeletten | Kamtsjatka Eland | preparatie jachttrofeeën
Skeletten | Dwergvinvis, wetenschappelijke collectie | Naturalis Biodiversity Center
Skeletten | Diverse Vogels | Ouwehand Zoo
Skeletten | montage op locatie | Limburghuis GAIA Zoo
Skeletten | diverse skeletten | Limburghuis GAIA Zoo
Skeletten | Springend Ree | Limburghuis GAIA Zoo
Skeletten | Gorilla (Zilverrug) | Apenheul Primate Park
Skeletten | Zwarte Zwaan Educatie | Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Giraffehengst | Natuurhistorisch Museum Museos België
Skeletten | Giraffemerrie | Natuurhistorisch Museum Museos België
Skeletten | Monniksgier | Ouwehand Zoo
Skeletten | Vinvis | Naturalis
Skeletten | Vleerhond | Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Wolf | Ouwehands Dierenpark
Skeletten | Zwarte Zwaan | Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Tijgerklauwen II | Safaripark Beekse Bergen
Skeletten | Trofee Ree
Skeletten | Vinvis | Ecomare
Skeletten | Vinvis II | Ecomare
Skeletten | Potvis VI | Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Edelhert
Skeletten | Tijger | Ouwehands Dierenpark
Skeletten | Tijgerklauwen | Safaripark Beekse Bergen
Skeletten | Potvis II | Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Potvis III | Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Potvis IV| Natuur Museum Brabant
Skeletten | Potvis V | Natuur Museum Brabant
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